The Fox and the Grapes: Kids Story
A Hungry Fox
Long, long ago, there lived a fox who loved to eat. One day, while strolling through the woods, he came upon a grape orchard. There, hanging from a high branch, he saw a bunch of beautiful grapes. They looked absolutely delicious, and the fox was very hungry.
A Frustrating Reach
However, the grapes hung far higher than the fox could reach. He backed up and took a running start, jumping as high as he could. But he didn’t jump high enough. He went back to his starting spot and tried again. This time, he almost reached the grapes, but still fell short. He cried and cried, trying again and again, but couldn’t get high enough to grab the grapes.
Kids Story

Sour Grapes
Finally, he gave up. As he walked away, he put his nose in the air and said, “I’m sure those grapes are sour anyway!”
The Moral
This is a classic story illustrating the idea that it’s easy to belittle something you can’t have. The fox, unable to reach the grapes, convinced himself they were sour, rather than admit he simply couldn’t get them.
The Cap Seller and the Monkeys