The Mouse and the Bull
A Curious Encounter
It was a scorching hot day. A large bull, exhausted from the heat, lay sound asleep under the shade of a sprawling tree. His loud snores echoed through the air. A tiny mouse, venturing out on his daily journey, was drawn to this unusual noise. Curiosity got the better of him, and he scurried up the bull’s massive nose.
A Playful Bite
As the bull continued his slumber, the mouse, emboldened by his newfound vantage point, playfully nipped the bull’s nose. The unexpected sensation startled the bull awake. He snorted in annoyance, “Who dared to bite me and wake me from my sleep?”

A Mouse’s Apology
The little mouse, startled by the bull’s roar, stammered, “Forgive me, Mr. Bull! I only meant to play, but I didn’t realize you would wake up.”
The Bull’s Fury
The bull, however, was not amused. His anger flared, and he charged after the tiny mouse, who had darted into a small hole in a nearby stone wall. The bull, unable to fit through the narrow opening, stood outside, bellowing in frustration.
A Lesson Learned
The mouse, safe inside his refuge, couldn’t resist teasing the bull, “Why are you breaking your head over such a small creature?”
The bull, defeated and humiliated, realized the futility of his anger. He left the scene, grumbling under his breath.
The Mouse Who Tickled a Bull
The Moral of the Story
This tale teaches us a valuable lesson: Might is not always right. The bull, with his enormous size and strength, was no match for the quick thinking and resourcefulness of the small mouse. True power lies not in brute force, but in wisdom and adaptability.